Sociodrama – Episode 037
Sociodrama is a way for groups to explore issues of common concern through the use of a range of interactive and experiential tools.
Sociodrama is a way for groups to explore issues of common concern through the use of a range of interactive and experiential tools.
Louise Altman is our guest. We discuss the importance of not only recognising, but valuing and working with, emotions at work.
Anne McCrossan; she states that she feels she is blessed to have been born in a time of phenomenal change.The new digital mindset challenges us.
Bureaucracy, our lives have been so infused with it that it’s no longer a “thing”. We don’t hear about it, we don’t talk about it, but perhaps we should.
Who has the power in your life? Where in your working life do you feel free and unfree? Are you the chief author of your life story or are you a bit player, only responding to the stories that others write?