About Us


John says:

I am one of the two founders of Quantum Shift Ltd., which provides capability solutions for a range of organisations and individuals. The application of systems thinking is core to Quantum Shift’s activities, whether it is a leadership development programme, catalysing a team into effective action or working with leaders to steward a shift in their culture.

My background is in education and counselling and I have trained extensively in Morenian action methods, which I apply in my work at Quantum Shift. I am passionate about developing SPONTANEITY in the people I work with.

I take a particular interest in how we get ourselves “stuck” in repetitive patterns of behaving and how systems impact on our abilities to be at our best. Getting “unstuck” is an imperative in a world which is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA).

What gets me out of bed in the morning is doing something which assists people to respond better to that VUCA world.

I am currently writing a book with Quantum Shift’s other principal, Arohanui Grace.

Specialties:leadership development, culture change, team development, values alignment, organisational change


Rogier says:

For over 10 years I have created social business platforms for organisations that encourage innovation and creates fluid communication channels among employees.

I come from a long IT background where I started out with a lot of customer support. Here I learned the importance of internal communication, and the recording and sharing of knowledge.

In my capacity as content manager and community manager I witnessed up close the (positive) power of keeping people up to date of the changes within a company. I also pioneered (with others) knowledge sharing within the business, an early form of Social Business.

Specialties: Strategic Social Media, Social Business, (Interim) Content Management, Coaching, (Internal) Communication