1 - EpisodeCoverArtWhen talking about Social Business, a discussion about how we work is inevitable. When digging deeper into that subject, you have to talk about working together.

In the current working environment this is something that is lost on many. Sure, we work in a team, tasks are delegated between various roles, but individual strengths are not always put to best use. There is a great deal of personal gain involved in any group situation in an working environment.

In many cases the points below is what drive our behaviour, usually subconsciously;

  • “How do I make myself look good?”
  • “How can I get people to notice me?”
  • “How can I garner praise?”
  • “How can I get people to like me?”
  • “How can I prove I’m valuable?”

Part of re-imagining work is about how we will become more of a ‘WE’ in our workplaces. Less silo-ed, less competitive, more about being helpful to each other, more about being “good auxiliaries” to each other, more about working towards a common purpose, more about how we will devote more of ourselves to a set of co-working capabilities.

This is because what we create together, what we co-create, is far more than the sum of our individual efforts. this is because the situations we face are sometimes beyond our ken and require a kind of co-thinking and co-problem solving to get to the new way of doing things.

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Rogier Noort