EpisodeCoverArtIn general most of us think we are excellent leaders or excellent communicators. But, let’s face it, most of us are not.

Being a good leader is not the same as being a (good) manager. There is a difference in perception. Managing is simple retaining a certain status quo, you can do that well, and many can, but it is extremely limiting.

Leading has the potential to unlock many hidden “features” within an individual or a group of people. Talents and motivations you would never be able to reach when you simply manage.

Sending an email or giving a presentation is not communicating. Well, it is, but it’s not productive and it will not deliver results. You’re mostly communicating at or to someone.., not with someone.

Listening is the best part of communicating.

Nice bridge, listen to the podcast, we’re happy to communicate with you about it.

What Do We Need To Learn

Download file | Stitcher | iTunes | Duration: 33:24 | Size: 45.88 MB

Rogier Noort