005 – Beyond Empathy
Fundamental to developing good people skills is empathy. It is said that in a social business, the so-called “people skills” will be the difference that makes the difference.
Fundamental to developing good people skills is empathy. It is said that in a social business, the so-called “people skills” will be the difference that makes the difference.
Is there a “Planet Social Business”, and if so, what is it like? And can you go there too?
We discuss the work of Wilfred Bion, whose descriptions of “what goes on underneath” can help shed some light on some of the mystifying dynamics within groups of human beings.
We talk about the “dumb things” people do, or need to do, at work. And how, if at all, you can start the change and re-imagine the way you work.
The title is explained, which is not chosen by pure chance, also what we want to achieve with this podcast. In short, we want to learn as much as we can, and talking about the subjects we find relevant we can do this.