020 – Reimagining Learning

020 – Reimagining Learning

It’s said that the so-called “soft skills”, like empathy, listening, conflict resolution and ability to inspire, are the hard skills of the 21st century.

019 – Reimagining Performance

019 – Reimagining Performance

In this episode, we attempt to re-imagine performance conversations that happen all the time, with everyone, all over the place.

018 – Evolving Blindly

018 – Evolving Blindly

We have invented some wonderful technological tools in this digital age. They afford us the potential to work better together, however, we remain with outdated institutions and organisational structures and interpersonal skills that are sorely in need of updating.

017 – Just Imagine

017 – Just Imagine

Mankind has gotten far. We’ve done this by invention, discovery and exploration. We think nothing would have happened if nobody would have imagined something first. Just imagine what you can do.

016 – Reimagining Managing

016 – Reimagining Managing

Any change within a company invariably hits the middle management layer. People whom are perpetually stuck between a rock and a hard place.